• RDS201 Project3: Institutional “CABIN Mini-Museum for Kota Aur Home-Stay”

    Project 3: Museum Of Aur   b

    We are required to design a mini museum using a high cube container to relocate and exhibit valuable heritage artifacts. It will become a centre for the villagers in Kota Aur to display their cultural heritage crafts, tools and products. The small container museum will help in enhancing the aesthetic quality of the place and will help to increase their income level.

    Design Concept

    The design concept used for this cabin mini museum is the spirit of Yin and Yang. From the artifacts found in Kota Aur, we noticed that all Muslims, Buddhist, and Hindus lived peacefully together, giving tolerances to each other to balance up their live circle. This is the spirit that are proposed by the Yin and Yang concept. 

     Interior perspective view of the mini museum showing the information counter.

    Interior perspective view of the exhibition area.

    Yin and Yang are associated with opposite forces, such as hot and cold, light and dark, high and low, and stillness movement. Neither can exist in isolation, but they mutually influence each other. Yin and Yang also explains the body’s structure and function. The body is seen as a set of connected systems governed by the balance between Yin and Yang. this is shown in the layout plan where the information counter in the centre connects all the other four parts of the museum.

    Exterior perspective view of the Museum of Aur.

    Final Presentation Board.

    The whole layout plan is a curved shape inspired by the symbol of Yin and Yang, which is formed by using different colour of bamboo flooring. The concept is applied in the arrangement of cabinets with different heights, and in the dark and light coloured flooring. The whole floor plan is in a balance arrangement with the south part complements with the north part, the east part complement with the west part, and the ceiling complements with floor. 

     Scale 1:20 Monochrome Model 

     Closer view of the model. 

     Showing the details of cabinets and shelves in the model.

    Exterior view of the monochrome model.

    For the material finishes, dark red colour of the brushed bamboo wall and cabinet is chosen, which are representing fire are balanced by the water in the water flowing glass panel partitions. The flowing water through the glass panel also gives movement to the museum interior to balance up the stillness in the museum, and also allowing natural light to shine through the transparent slits on the roof.

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