• Packaging Design for Kuih Bahulu

    We are asked to design a packaging for the traditional Malaysia delicacies - Kuih Bahulu.

    Design Concept
    Vintage elements such as the floral frame are used in this packaging design to bring out the idea that this traditional delicacies are perfect for a english tea time with tea or coffee. Light peach and pink colours are used as the theme colour for the packaging box of “Kuih Bahulu” to give buyers the feeling of sweet, soft, and spongy same as that a kuih bahulu has. This is also used to attract customers especially the younger generation to try out this traditional Malaysian dessert. 

     Front View

    Right View

     Back View

     Left View

     Top View

    Axonometric view

     The lids are composed of four petals.

    The packaging is designed such that when it opens, the three layers are separated and spread out as shown above.

    Closer views of the inner boxes.

    1 comments → Packaging Design for Kuih Bahulu

    1. salam, saya berminat dgn design ni. boleh saya tahu mcm mana nk buat??

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