• RDS202 Project 1: De Feringghi Hotel Lobby & Restaurant

    Project 1: De Feringghi Hotel Lobby & Restaurant   b

    We went for a site visit to this hotel, and observe the space design. Then, based on the research we have done, we are required to redesign the lobby and restaurant for De Feringghi Boutique Hotel using the available space. 

    Design Concept

    The concept of the hotel is “dynamic of river”. Rivers are dynamic, continually changing in response to variations in weather, land-use and the supply of sediment. Hotels are also a place where customers staying there are always changing, as they only staying for a while on vacation or business purposes. Every day, the hotel deals with check-ins and check-outs of various types of customers from all over the world.

    This concept focus on the flowing, connecting, and leading characteristics shown in rivers. The dining areas partition are in curve shape as that a river has. And the curving space leads the customers from the main entrance to the lobby reception desk, and to the open garden space, finally up to the waxing room on the second floor. The partitions are using water walls to create dynamic in the space, and produce water flowing sound in the space.

      The Breakfast Area.

     The main Entrance. The walls beside are planted with green plants. Green walls have a lot of advantage. They help in noise reduction, improve indoor air quality and health, has cooling effect, and also create aesthetic appearance.

    The information counter is circle in shape with half of it located in the lobby area, and another half of it located in the restaurant area behind it. This circle is not a complete one as there are openings for the staff to enter, it imitates the shape of a oxbow lake which is a natural formation from a river.

    The Lobby Area.
    The Sofa is in a "S" shape, and the legs of the coffee tables are twisting upwrads to join the base with the table top surface.

     The Garden Open Area.
    This area provides the tourists or customers a place to be close to the natural environment. They can have a walk here enjoying the sunlight.

     The Restaurant. 
    All the furnitures are customized to suit with the concept of the hotel - “dynamic of river”. They are curvy in shape, which are same as that a river has.

    The Waxing Area.
    This is proposed in the design because we found out from the manager of the hotel that a lot of Arabian customer are searching for waxing service when they check in here, however they can hardly find any around this place.

     X:X Section

     Y:Y Section

    The Final Presentation Board.
    This is done using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Sketchup, and V-ray.

    Below are some of the photos showing my monochrome model in a scale of 1:75.

    Several rivers are often connected and finally flow towards the sea. This concept is apply in the connection of the two dining areas. The restaurant and breakfast area are separated, however they are connected through the kitchen. Kitchens are connected directly to the restaurant and breakfast area for convenience of serving food.

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