• What I have gained from the subject RUS104...

    We, as the HBP students, are always running out of time to complete our RUS104 studio projects and stress out when we don't have enough time to finish the studio works. Burning midnight oil to finish our projects are experienced by each of us almost every time when the submission date is approaching. 

    Enjoying the sunrise view from the studio is very much normal to us. 

    However, I still enjoy and love this subject very much. For me, the subject RUS104 is not only a subject that I have to always meet the dateline and not getting enough sleep because of it. This subject gives me the opportunity to expose myself to the wonderful world of design, to express myself through the lines, colours, and ideas in each of my studio works, to learn to communicate with other group members and realizing the importance of team work in completing anything, and also a chance to upgrade myself, to prepare myself for the future. Throughout the times, I become more certain in realizing my dream, that is to become a successful Interior Designer in the future! Wish me luck! =)

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