• We, as the HBP students, are always running out of time to complete our RUS104 studio projects and stress out when we don't have enough time to finish the studio works. Burning midnight oil to finish our projects are experienced by each of us almost every time when the submission date is approaching. 

    Enjoying the sunrise view from the studio is very much normal to us. 

    However, I still enjoy and love this subject very much. For me, the subject RUS104 is not only a subject that I have to always meet the dateline and not getting enough sleep because of it. This subject gives me the opportunity to expose myself to the wonderful world of design, to express myself through the lines, colours, and ideas in each of my studio works, to learn to communicate with other group members and realizing the importance of team work in completing anything, and also a chance to upgrade myself, to prepare myself for the future. Throughout the times, I become more certain in realizing my dream, that is to become a successful Interior Designer in the future! Wish me luck! =)
  • It is just only my first semester of my first year in USM, but I have built up a lot of sweet and happy memories as a HBP student, especially with my lovely Interior Design coursemates and friends. Because of them, my life in the first year of university is full of excitements, surprises, laughs, and tears. They have added many colours into my university life, making me adapting in a whole new environment without any difficulties. I will never forget the sleepless nights rushing to complete our studio projects together with my friends at the studio, and also enjoying the sunrise view together. Thanks for giving me such a beautiful memory in my First Year study in USM. Thank you, friends! =)

    Celebrating Mooncake Festival with my ID friends, seniors, and lecturers.

    Having fun in playing lanterns together with my friends.

    Taking photos together with my ID friends after the HBP orientation night.

     Taking funny photos with my ID friends.

    We are the future interior designer!

    Visit to Batu Feringghi for our Project 8.

     The beautiful Lone Pine Hotel.

    The famous restaurant in Batu Feringghi - The Ship.

    Taking photo with my group members while having site visit to Batu Feringghi.

     Long queue to get our barbecue meal.

     Waiting to be served. =D

     Having our barbecue meal and enjoying the beautiful seaview at the same time.
  • I always like to sketch something, or scribble anything when I am bored, when I am having a good mood or a bad mood, or when I am waiting the bus to arrive, or even during boring meetings. =P It calms down my mind when I am sketching and felt happy after seeing what I have drawn.

    Below are some of my sketches in my sketchbook.

    Above are all the sketches of my ideas for the First studio project - personal logo.

     And finally, I have decided to use this logo - A Flying Bird.

    Practicing shading on the four basic shapes - cylinder, cone, cube, and sphere.

    Trying to shade on more complicated object - kettle.

    Shading of a pair of spectacles using brown pencil colour.

    Sketch of a tree with many branches and twigs.

     Sketching a peacock.

     Sketch of a living room using 2-point perspective drawing skill.

     Practicing 1-point and 2-point perspective drawings in a single drawing.

     Trying to sketch realistic water droplets.
  • My tenth studio assignment for the subject RUS104 - Exhibition

    Welcome to 'RUS104 Xzbition 2012'!

    During the opening ceremony of 'RUS104 Xzbition 2012'.

    Main stage area of the exhibition.

    Jigsaw puzzle with the image of 'RUS104 Studio Bersepadu' logo.

    'Wishing tree' beside the stage area.

    Decorated letters of 'RUS104' matching the theme of 'Colourful Domino' on the wall.

    The view of the exhibition hall from first floor. The decorations really match the 'Colourful Domino' theme very well.

    Autograph and feedback area for the exhibition guest.

    2012 HBP School mascot - The Robot!

    Project 1A: Personal logo

     Project 1B: Stewardship

     Project 2A: Aesthetic (Pleasant View). My work is at the middle of the lowest row.

    Project 2B: Defect (Unpleasant View).

    Project 3A: Natural Structure

     Project 3B: Man-Made Structure.

    Project 4: Sculpture

     Project 5: Blueprint. My work is at the upper right corner.

    Project 6: Project Development

    Project 7A: Analysis of HBP Spaces. Our group's work is at the lower right corner.

    Project 7B: Skyway / Pedestrian Bridge. Our group's work is at the upper centre.

     Project 7C: Skyway Structural Model

    Project 8: (Re)Visited


    Project 9: Integrated Project

    Esquisse 1: Rapid Sketches (Goal Celebrations) and Esquisse 2: On-site Sketching (1-point Perspective).

     Our group's work on Project 7A: Analysis of HBP Spaces.

     My group presentation board for Project 7B: Skyway / Pedestrian Bridge.

     The structural model of my group's HBP Skyway for Project 7C: Skyway Structural Model.

    The romantic and beautiful set up of our booth at the exhibition - Booth 4.

    Taking photo with my RUS104 studio works of Project 3A: Aesthetic (Pleasant View).

     All the lecturers and students are having a great time during the exhibition.

Inspiring quotes...

Inspiring Design...

Best Buildings Of 2012