• Project 7A: Analysis Of HBP Spaces

    My seventh studio assignment for the subject RUS104 - Interlinked

    a  Project 7A: Analysis Of HBP Spaces  b

    We are required to analyse the site of the School of Housing, Building, & Planning with all its existing buildings and surrounding.

    In our site analysis, we include not-to-scale key plan, location plan and site plan of our school to show its location.

    In our site plan, we have shown clearly the sun orientation, prevailing wind path, vegetation, views, and also circulations which include both vehicular and pedestrian link, using different symbols.

    Some introductions are added to briefly talk about the history, function, and fields of study that are available in the School of HBP.

    We also analyse the HBP site based on the SWOT matrix to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in the site. Besides that, we have listed down the many facilities that are available at the site.

     All the meaning of the symbols we have used in our site plan are clearly shown in the legend. 

    We also provide some information on the climate of our site in our site analysis, including temperature, annual rainfall, humidity, wind speed, and sunshine hours.

    This is the finishing work. We add in photos around the site plan to show the interesting and important parts of the site.

    Through this project, I have learned to analyse a site or space using the SWOT matrix to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a particular site. This project also gives me the opportunity to understand further about my school, including the history, function, and buildings at the site of School of Housing, Building, & Planning.

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