• Project 3A: Natural Structure

    My third studio assignment of the subject RUS104 - Exteriors

    a  Project 3A: Natural Structure b

    We are required to produce a sketch of natural structure that can be found around the School of Housing, Building, & Planning (HBP).

    I choose to draw the natural structure of trees found along the road just outside the entrance of our school.

    Closeup on one of the trees in my drawing to show the elements of light and shadow.

    The finishing work including write up describing the structure of tree.

    From this project, I learned to observe the details of an object before drawing. The details on natural structure mostly consists of organic lines, which are irregular. The length and direction of the lines are uncertain, and this forms an irregular shape, which often found in nature. I also learned to use different pencils of different hardness to show the texture of the tree.

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