• Sketches...

    I always like to sketch something, or scribble anything when I am bored, when I am having a good mood or a bad mood, or when I am waiting the bus to arrive, or even during boring meetings. =P It calms down my mind when I am sketching and felt happy after seeing what I have drawn.

    Below are some of my sketches in my sketchbook.

    Above are all the sketches of my ideas for the First studio project - personal logo.

     And finally, I have decided to use this logo - A Flying Bird.

    Practicing shading on the four basic shapes - cylinder, cone, cube, and sphere.

    Trying to shade on more complicated object - kettle.

    Shading of a pair of spectacles using brown pencil colour.

    Sketch of a tree with many branches and twigs.

     Sketching a peacock.

     Sketch of a living room using 2-point perspective drawing skill.

     Practicing 1-point and 2-point perspective drawings in a single drawing.

     Trying to sketch realistic water droplets.

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