• Project 5: Blueprint

    My fifth studio assignment of the subject RUS104 - Blueprint

    We are required to produce plan and elevations drawings base on the sculpture we have built in our previous Project 4.

    Plan view of my sculpture.

    Front elevation.

    Left elevation.

    Rear elevation.

    Right elevation.

    Axonometric drawing of my sculpture.

    The overall look of my finishing work.

    We are required to produce the drawing in 1:4 scale. From this, I have learned to use scale rule to produce an accurate blueprint drawing. By producing isometric drawing, I am trained to imagine things in another angle of view, and how to visualize it on a piece of paper. We are also required to produce a coloured blueprint drawing based on our sculpture model. My sculpture model is white in colour, therefore all my drawings are in white colour too. However, our studiomaster advise me to shade my blueprint so that it gives a clearer picture of how my sculpture looks. Really thanks for her kind comments, I have learned something new again.

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