• Project 6: Project Developmet

    My sixth studio assignment of the subject RUS104 - Project Development

    We are required to prepare a mind mapping showing from inception stage until occupation stage based on the Royal Institute Of British Architects (RIBA) plan of work 2007.

    We should only present the process and our role in project development stage. As I am an Interior Design student, so my mind map only focus on 'Stage A: Appraisal' until 'Stage F: Production Information'.

    Close up on the main title of my mind map at the centre.

    I have highlighted the stages where an interior designer would involve in the project development stage with different bright colours.

    The other stages where the role of an interior designer is not so major, I coloured them with a lighter colour.

    Through this project, I have learned to create a mind map and am exposed to the process that involved in project development. To complete this project, I have searched for a lot of information on the roles of an Interior Designer. This helps me to understand more about my roles and responsibilities in project development and certainly will help me in my future career as an Interior Designer.

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