• Project 1A: Personal Logo

    My very first studio assignment of the subject RUS104 in my university life - Me, Myself, & I

    a  Project 1A: Personal Logo  b

    We are required to create a ‘PERSONAL LOGO’ that best reflects our personality and strengths, where the logo design should only contain a maximum of 4 colours.

    This is my personal logo which is in the shape of a flying bird. The bird is formed from the initials of my name, that is the letters 'Z' and 'Y'. This flying bird indicates that I am a person who love freedom.

    A short description describing the meaning of my logo, and the reasons in using those shapes, lines, and colours in my logo.

    The finishing work.

    Through this project, I understand that every lines and colours that are used in creating a logo has to be meaningful, and not too many colours should be used in a single logo to maintain the simplicity of a logo, yet able to attract people at the same time. I also learned to express something using only lines, shapes, and colours. 

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