• Project 7C: Skyway Structural Model

    My seventh studio assignment for the subject RUS104 - Interlinked

    a  Project 7C: Skyway Structural Model  b

    We are required to build a structural model for our HBP Skyway based on the design and dimensions of the skyway in Project 7B in the scale of 1:50.

    View of the front facade of our HBP Skyway before attaching on the model base.

    Closeup on the front facade.

    View of the back facade of our HBP Skyway before attaching on the model base.

    Closeup on the back facade.

    Plan view of our HBP Skyway model. The roof of our skyway model is removable to ease the people to look at the details inside the skyway hallway.

    Top view of the left part of the skyway's hallway that is linked to the Studio Building (E08), which we named it 'HBP Inspiration' to inspire the skyway users.

    Top view of the right part of the skyway's hallway which is linked to the Lecture Hall, that display HBP students' outstanding studio works, the 'Hall Of Fame'.

     Internal view of the skyway from the entrance at the Studio Building (E08).

    Internal view of the skyway from the entrance at the HBP Lecture Hall (E48).

    Front view of our HBP skyway model, view from the entrance of HBP School.

     Back view of our skyway model.

    Plan view of our skyway model. The white model at the upper left corner indicates the 'wakaf' outside HBP lecture hall to give people a clearer picture on where our skyway is located.

    From this project, I have learned some new techniques in producing a structural model according to a specific scale. We use cardboard mainly in our skyway model, and wrap up the cardbaords with colour papers to add colours to the model according to our design. I learned a lot from my team members as they have shown me a lot of different ways to build a model and make it stable.

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