• Project 10: Exhibition

    My tenth studio assignment for the subject RUS104 - Exhibition

    Welcome to 'RUS104 Xzbition 2012'!

    During the opening ceremony of 'RUS104 Xzbition 2012'.

    Main stage area of the exhibition.

    Jigsaw puzzle with the image of 'RUS104 Studio Bersepadu' logo.

    'Wishing tree' beside the stage area.

    Decorated letters of 'RUS104' matching the theme of 'Colourful Domino' on the wall.

    The view of the exhibition hall from first floor. The decorations really match the 'Colourful Domino' theme very well.

    Autograph and feedback area for the exhibition guest.

    2012 HBP School mascot - The Robot!

    Project 1A: Personal logo

     Project 1B: Stewardship

     Project 2A: Aesthetic (Pleasant View). My work is at the middle of the lowest row.

    Project 2B: Defect (Unpleasant View).

    Project 3A: Natural Structure

     Project 3B: Man-Made Structure.

    Project 4: Sculpture

     Project 5: Blueprint. My work is at the upper right corner.

    Project 6: Project Development

    Project 7A: Analysis of HBP Spaces. Our group's work is at the lower right corner.

    Project 7B: Skyway / Pedestrian Bridge. Our group's work is at the upper centre.

     Project 7C: Skyway Structural Model

    Project 8: (Re)Visited


    Project 9: Integrated Project

    Esquisse 1: Rapid Sketches (Goal Celebrations) and Esquisse 2: On-site Sketching (1-point Perspective).

     Our group's work on Project 7A: Analysis of HBP Spaces.

     My group presentation board for Project 7B: Skyway / Pedestrian Bridge.

     The structural model of my group's HBP Skyway for Project 7C: Skyway Structural Model.

    The romantic and beautiful set up of our booth at the exhibition - Booth 4.

    Taking photo with my RUS104 studio works of Project 3A: Aesthetic (Pleasant View).

     All the lecturers and students are having a great time during the exhibition.

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