• Project 9C: Conceptual Model

    My ninth studio assignment for the subject RUS104 - Integrated Project

    a  Project 9C: Conceptual Model  b

    We are required to build the conceptual model for our Batu Feringghi Information Centre based on the design and dimensions of the information centre in Project 9A in 1:50 scale.

    The plan view of our Batu Feringghi Information Centre before adding the details on the landscape around it.

    Closeup on the roof plan of the information centre.

    Axonometric view before details are added.

    Left elevation of our Batu Feringghi Information Centre.

    Closeup on the entrance of the information centre.

    Right elevation of our Batu Feringghi Information Centre.

    Rear elevation.

    Closeup on the veranda facing the beach.

    The finishing work of our conceptual model for the Batu Feringghi Information Centre. Vehicles and human figures are added as a reference of scale.

    From this project, I have learned to visualize an idea into an object by producing a conceptual model according to a specific scale. We use cardboard and paper mainly in our informaton centre model. Only cardboard and paper which are white in colour are used to build the model to produce a monochrome model. I learned a lot from my team members as they have shown me a lot of different ways to build a model.

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