• Project 8A: Community Facility & Tourism Activities

    My eighth studio assignment of the subject RUS104 - (Re)Visited

    a  Project 8A: Community Facility & Tourism Activities  b

    We are required to analyse and discuss the uniqueness of Batu Feringghi in terms of facility and cultural attraction, and also the tourism related economic activities.

    In our site analysis, we include not-to-scale key plan, location plan and Batu Feringghi layout plan to show the location of Batu Feringghi area.

    In our site plan, we have shown clearly the sun orientation, prevailing wind path, views, and constraints using different symbols.

    We also provide some information on the climate of our site in our site analysis, including temperature, rain data, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction.

    Photos regarding to the attractional facilities and identity appearance of Batu Feringghi, including food, clothes, and other non-physical structure.

    Some photos on beach activities, street bazaar, hawker stall, business premises, and enterprise that are available at Batu Feringghi Area.

    This is the finishing work. We add in photos and sketches around the layout plan to show the interesting and important parts of the area.

    Through this project, I have the opportunity to explore the attractional facilities available at the Batu Ferigghi area and understand more about the identity appearance which includes food, clothes, etc. The beach activties, street bazaar, hawker stalls are all contributing to the tourism activities in Batu Feringghi.

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